Lazy Dog Days

Last night after I had finished all of my Sunday duties (during my busy season of work, Sundays are spent preparing for the week ahead) I decided it was too nice outside not to enjoy. I think Allie had the same thought because as soon as I grabbed her leash, she knew. It was time for a WALK!

I’ll admit, I do not walk my dog as much as a should. But, she is a pretty decent walker considering her lack of daily exercise. I thought we would just walk about the block once and come back in, but we decided to keep walking for about a half hour. She loved every minute of it, and so did I.

However, this morning she was so tired from our walk the night before, she would not get out of bed. Now this isn’t something that should cause too much alarm. You see, Allie can sleep in. She is not the type of dog driven by her stomach. She doesn’t get up at the crack of dawn to eat breakfast. She loves sleeping in and sleeping in on my bed with her head on her pillow.

If you are not a dog person you might be horrified at this thought. But, Allie is family to me, so if she wants to have her own pillow, she gets one. She doesn’t even mind if I cover her with a blanket.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided on Saturday morning that I was not going to set an alarm. It had been a really long week at work, and I decided getting as much sleep as possible before the start of the next week was in my best interest. Just as it is for most adults my age, “sleeping in” means until 8 am. I tried to watch TV for another hour or so just to keep myself resting, but I finally had to get up and take a shower. Allie on the hand had no problems sleeping. I had already showered, fixed my hair, and I was beginning to eat my brunch when she finally opened her eyes and decided ok, I’ll get up too. I looked at the clock. It was noon – lazy dog.

After living with and watching my dog for the last nine years I’ve realized in my next life, I think I would like to be a dog. What a great life that would be! People would always get excited to see you. You get to lie around all day and soak in the sun on the back deck. You get all of the leftover pizza crusts, and on special holidays, someone will give you a Frosty Paw.

Yep, a dog’s life I will have. That’s the kind of life that will make you grin!

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